Signs, symptoms, and treatments to help Katy families breathe better.
By Natalie Cook Clark | KATY MAGAZINE, September 2017

Asthma in Katy There are certain allergens that are more prominent in South Texas. If you notice wheezing or any difficulty breathing, see a doctor for treatment and a proper diagnosis. “I started running in 2009 and noticed it getting harder and harder to breathe. I knew I had allergies and a family history with asthma so I saw a doctor,” says Katy mom Whitney Peper. “Now I’m on two kinds of treatment, a preventative medication, and a rescue inhaler that I use as needed or before any activity that could bring on an attack,” she explains.
The Usual Culprits
Cockroaches and mold are well-known culprits in the area so make sure to check your home often. Also, Texas is known for its rapid weather changes; it can be cold in the morning and over 100 degrees in the afternoon. All of this can put stress on your lungs, so be sure to check the weather daily and always have your inhaler close by.
Children & Asthma Asthma can be difficult to diagnose, especially in children. According to Dr. Jennifer Soliah of Village Family Practice in Katy, children can develop asthma before the age of 5, but the lung function tests are not accurate at this age. “First we must exclude foreign bodies, vocal cord disorders, viral infections, bronchitis, and other reasons that share asthmatic symptoms,” adds pediatrician Dr. Ian Kavin from Texas Children’s Hospital. Like many things, the earlier it’s diagnosed the better and quicker the patient can get treatment.
Getting Diagnosed There are many forms of asthma including allergic, exercise-induced, cough-variant, occupational, and nocturnal. It’s very treatable, however it can be severe and even fatal if not treated properly or ignored. There are two categories of treatment for asthma: preventative and rescue. “Preventative treatments are drugs such as steroids, and rescue measures are bronchial inhalers that are fast-acting to open the airways during an attack,” explains Dr. Kavin. “I have some patients that only take medication during trigger seasons.”
"Texas is known for its rapid weather changes; it can be cold in the morning and over 100 degrees in the afternoon. All of this can put stress on your lungs, so be sure to check the weather daily and always have your inhaler close by."
It is extremely manageable and people live normal lives every day with it. “It shouldn’t prevent someone from doing what they enjoy. They just need to be smart about exercise and know what to do if they have an exercise-induced flare-up. They should also be aware of their environment and avoid triggers,” Dr. Soliah adds. Breathing is the most essential functional in life and it’s better to be safe than sorry, so schedule an appointment with your doctor if you experience any symptoms.
Avoid cigarette smoke
Avoid cleaning products and cleaners
Limit time outside when air pollution or pollen levels are high
Avoid carpets and stuffed toys in bedrooms
Use an allergen-proof pillow and mattress cover
Make sure others know where you keep your inhaler
Get a flu shot'
21820 Kingsland Blvd # 110
(281) 578-7922
23543 Kingsland Blvd Suite 100
(281) 693-0084
545 S Mason Rd
(281) 599-8967
607 S Mason Rd
(281) 392-5665
705 S Fry Rd # 115
(281) 647-9204
Lung & Asthma Clinic, PA
462 S Mason Rd
(281) 693-5289
NATALIE COOK CLARK is an author and travel agent by day and dance instructor after school hours.
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