Katy ISD will hold several events with Bond Advisory Committee representatives to answer questions about the progress of the upcoming Katy ISD Bond election.
October 4, 2017
Ashley Lancaster

Many Katy families have questions regarding the current status of how the upcoming bond election may effect their campuses and zoning, especially after Hurricane Harvey. Superintendent Dr. Lance Hindt, Bond Advisory Committee members, and campus leaders will hold several events to answer questions and talk about Harvey efforts, district initiatives, and projects.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 6 p.m.
Bond Bits & Bites at Bethke Elementary Bethke Families Only, Please. Located in the cafeteria with Keith Carmichael.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017 6 p.m. Community Information Session at Tompkins High School
With Dr. Lance Hindt, Katy ISD Superintendent, Tays Jr. High principal Dr. Mitzner, and Tompkins Principal Mr. Grisdale.
For more information about Katy ISD Bond Updates - click here.