Local military recruiters, first responders, churches, and community members will give a heartfelt farewell to military recruits from Katy as they head to boot camp.

KATY MAGAZINE NEWS February 16, 2018
By Ashley Lancaster
On March 25, 2018, the Katy community is invited to a loving send off of the brave young men and women who have enlisted in the U.S. military.
Showing appreciation for their commitment Ralph Oliver, a long-time Katy resident, military veteran, and father of a Fort Bend County Sheriff's Deputy, feels that the young people who are making this incredible personal sacrifice deserve to see a show of support from their community. That's why he organized the Katy Military Recruit Send-Off at Katy Elks Lodge.
At 2 p.m. on that Sunday, 15 - 30 recruits from the Katy area will arrive with their families and a representative from the military branch they have enlisted in. Each recruit will be introduced by their recruiting officer, and family and friends will have a chance to say kind words or make a presentation. Special gifts will be presented by Katy American Legion Post 164, the Katy Elks Lodge, and the Katy VFW.
Katy Fire Department, Katy Police Department, representatives from Harris County Precincts 5, ESD #48, and the non-profit organization Grace After Fire will also be there to wish the recruits luck at boot camp.
After the introduction, there will be a short pledge, a group prayer. Recruits will ship out on the following Monday or Tuesday.
A T.E.A.M. effort
"The goal is to have a successful recruit send off once a month in Katy, and hopefully inspire other communities to do the same for their young people," says Oliver. Already, the name, Texans Embracing America's Military (T.E.A.M.) has caught on with those involved.
Everyone in Katy is invited to attend the event to show their support.
Updates on the event will be posted here as Katy Magazine receives them.