September 27, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark
The Meals on Wheels program is in need of volunteers to help deliver hot meals to elderly residents in the Katy area. The Meals on Wheels program has been successfully feeding seniors since the 50's.
Volunteers to Deliver Hot Meals
“Currently we have 51 of 117 seniors that are getting hot meals. The others are still getting frozen meals, so we need to at least double that amount of volunteers to be able to provide hot meals for all of them,” he said. “We provide the meals and we provide the client services, but as far as having enough bodies to take every meal every day, we’re still looking.”
Children may volunteer with a parent to deliver meals. The minimum age to volunteer independently is 17 with parental consent.
Local Organizations Step Up
According to the Interfaith Ministries website, churches, banks, and various nonprofits in the Katy area have been vital in the program extending its reach within the community. National Charity League chapters have played a major role according to Manager of Volunteer Services, Hannah Weier. Involved chapters include the Chapter of Katy, Star Chapter, Azalea Chapter and Lady Bird Chapter.
“We’ve been in Katy for years, but it’s been somewhat limited service,” said Warren Wenner, director of the Greater Houston Meals on Wheels program.“Most of the people in Katy were getting frozen meals and some were getting breakfast meals, but we were mostly depending on a staff driver to go up there.”
“Having a new relationship with the Katy volunteers has been great for the seniors up there,” he added.
The First United Methodist Church in Old Katy has also played a major part as the staging area for local volunteers to collect the meals before delivering them. The church has had similar programs in the past but now the partnership with Meals of Wheels is a stronger fit to better serve the community's elderly.
Sign Up to Volunteer
Attend the orientation on Tuesday October 2, from 10 am-12 pm at Covenant Lutheran Church located at 3785 Barker Cypress Road in Houston. Please bring a current driver’s license, proof of insurance, $9 for a background check. RSVP to Sue Watson - suewatsonwv@msn.com or 832-594-7949.
For more information or to donate to Interfaith Ministries’ Meals on Wheels for Greater Houston, click here.