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Important Message from Superintendent Dr. Lance Hindt: Latest Updates

October 9, 2017


"With so much loss and suffering among our friends and neighbors, I recognize that it may seem trivial to even think about growth in our district, future school projects, or even a bond referendum. As you are probably aware, the Katy ISD School board called a bond election in August. The election continues to be very important for the district, and the community. The needs of the district still exist; but I recognize that today, and in the weeks to come, is not the time to send out election materials to homeowners - some of whom may not be receiving mail or even living at their home address. Today is not the time to place bond signs out in our community.

Folks are still recovering from the storm, and our focus must remain on their needs. If you're a part of a political action committee, PAC, established to promote, or even oppose, the school bond referendum, please consider donating your political funding to the Katy ISD Harvey Relief endowment to help those in need." - Dr. Lance Hindt, Superintendent.

Dear Katy ISD Parents/Guardians, Staff and Community Members,

It’s been six weeks since Harvey slammed through our Katy area, leaving many of our families, as well as the school district, facing difficult challenges ahead. Below you will find the Superintendent’s latest update on reconstruction efforts taking place throughout the Katy ISD school community, along with information on initiatives to support the community and next steps for the district. Click here to view the entire 7 minute video

The video includes the following cued topics:

While we know recovery will be long-term, Katy ISD will continue to stand with our community through every step of the rebuilding process.

For more information about the Impact of Harvey, take a moment to review the Harvey FAQs .

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