April 1, 2021
By Natalie Cook Clark
Today begins Autism Awareness Month. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in 54 children has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Local groups recognize autism, the families impacted, and raise awareness by providing resources and information about a disorder that affects so many.

The Montgomery Family, the family that inspired Hope for Three, leads the autism awareness parade at the annual Strike Out Autism Family Fun Day hosting over 450 family members from the autism community.
Autism is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. Many families in Katy face daily challenges due to an autistic family member.
"Having autism is like looking at three TV channels, listening to the radio, and reading ten letters all at one time, with the mental assignment to read just one letter and give one response," explains Jennifer Smits, a young adult on the spectrum. "With the expectation to do this fast, this situation becomes chaotic, unpredictable, and threatening. It makes me angry, sad, and aggressive.”
Local organizations such as Hope For Three and the ARC of Katy work to provide resources and raise awareness for autism and the families who live this reality each day.
In addition to raising awareness, Hope For Three works to provide support to families in the form on financial aid.
The annual cost of care for one child with autism is estimated at $60,000, which is more than the minimum average household income for Houstonians at $51,203. Over the past decade, Hope For Three has awarded more than $1.1 million in financial aid, directly impacting families, and provided resources to more than 4,000 inquiring parties.
The nonprofit organization has impacted more than 16,600 students, counselors, nurses, and educators through programs such as Teen Huddle and It's Cool To Care.
The group also collaborates with the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) program and has trained around 2,000 members of law enforcement on the characteristics of autism and engagement strategies. This helps law enforcement to better understand those on the spectrum and how they can best serve those members of the community.
Learn more about this partnership and special training here.
"There is not a known cause for autism, but we have the honor and privilege to serve as a beacon of hope for children who need early intervention resources and proper treatment; supports that can forever change a child's future," says Darla Farmer, Hope For Three CEO.
Hope For Three is celebrating their 10th anniversary this year and is hosting a virtual production, “The Temple Experience” on April 3 from 7 to 9 p.m. The presentation features Temple Grandin, the world’s most famous person living with autism.
For tickets and more information visit their website.
The ARC of Katy, a local nonprofit that provides opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, will also be celebrating Autism Awareness Month in addition to offering their regular programs.
The ARC of Katy offers the following programs:
In-person Adult Day Program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (including autism spectrum disorders)
In-person Summer Day Program for teens age 16 + and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Virtual/on-line program for teens age 16+ and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) who are not able to attend in-person program
Monthly socials for teens age 16+ and adults with I/DD (virtual now because of Covid-19, but in-person before and in the future)
Empowerment Through Knowledge program with workshops and presentations on topics of interest to families and others who provide care and services for people with I/DD.
The organization is celebrating 30 years of serving the Katy community. For more information on their programs and special events, visit their website.