October 11, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark and Katrina Katsarelis

Katy's most historic hometown event kicks off on Friday and goes through Sunday. This is the first year it is being hosted by the City of Katy and the Katy Rotary. Here's what you need to know about Katy's newly named Rice Festival.
Friday is Free and Kicks Off in Oktoberfest Style
The Rice Harvest Festival begins Friday, October 12, from 6-11 PM with great live music, food trucks, carnival and beer garden to kick-off the weekend “Oktoberfest” style. There are no admission fees on Friday. The Festival continues Saturday from 10 am - 10 pm and Sunday from 12 to 6 pm.
Head to Avenue B & 3rd Street
The official location is Avenue B and 3rd Street although the festival usually encompasses several streets in historic Katy.
Admission Price is Lower This Year
In past years, the Rice "Harvest" Festival cost was as high as $10 per person. Adults admission for Saturday and Sunday is just $5 this year.
The Parade is Free and on Saturday
The parade will have horses, emergency vehicles, groups, tractors, and more. In past years, the parade was the weekend before the festival, but this year it will be held on Saturday, October 13 at 9 am. There is no charge to watch the parade. The location is 10th Street, Drexel, 5th Street, and Avenue C.
Kids Under 12 are Free
Kids under 12 are admitted free all weekend and adult tickets are just $5 on Saturday and Sunday.
Parking is Free and by Shuttle
Guest parking is at the Merrell Center with free shuttles to and from the festival. There is some parking around the festival, but is expected to be very limited.
Music, Art, Carnival, Food Trucks, and More
The festival has a robust live music lineup including Katy's own star from the Bachelorette, James Taylor and Cooper Wade. "The carnival is also really great this year and perfect for all ages," says Kayce Reina, Director of Tourism, Marketing and Public Relations. There will also be a student arts contest with entries displayed at City Hall, with winners being announced Saturday afternoon. There will also be a rice cooking competition, arts and crafts vendors, and a beer garden by No Label Brewery.
It's the City of Katy First Year as Host
This year the City of Katy has taken over the event, which was originally hosted by the Katy Area Chamber of Commerce. The event was initially created to celebrate Katy's history and rice. Katy was the "Rice Capital of the World" and the remnants of that history can still be seen from I-10 in the form of the rice silos amongst our great commercial growth and development. The City of Katy Rice Festival will bring people together with great company, music, entertainment, food, crafts and more. The event over time has grown from a few booths and a stage and up to 300 booths and crowds up to 45-50,000. "While we haven't been involved in the past, we want the event to continue it's iconic and long-lasting tradition to the city of Katy," said Reina. "We are revitalizing it and focusing on our heritage and implementing quality standards to make this event one we can all be proud of. It has been a daunting task to put on this event in such a very short notice and having started from nothing."
100% of Proceeds to Benefit the Katy Community
"The biggest thing is that 100% of the proceeds benefit the Katy Community!" says Reina. Every dollar from gate entries, beer sales, etc. will be given back in Katy student scholarships, donations for things like band instruments or for FFA animals that can't be afforded, and to local charities helping our community." So by enjoying all the the Katy Rice Festival has to offer you are helping the city in their mission to give back.
More Information
For more info about this years festival including the schedule and Saturday morning parade route, visit www.KatyRiceFestival.com