June 29, 2022
By Natalie Cook Clark
Cheerleaders from the award-winning Seven Lakes High School Cheer program will join Theater Under Stars in their summer show Bring It On. The show runs July 8-10 and the SLHS Varsity Cheer Coach is consulting on the production.
Photo credit: Katy ISD
Award-Winning SLHS Cheerleaders to Perform with TUTS
KISD’s Seven Lakes High School is known for their award-winning cheerleading program with back-to-back University Interscholastic League (UIL) 6A State Championships and back-to-back winners of the large Game Day Varsity division at the National Cheerleaders Association.
“The team consists of cheer students from all different backgrounds who work together to prove the ‘WE’ is more important than the ‘ME,’” says SLHS Varsity Cheer Coach Amy Weaston.
Weaston has been a cheer coach in the District for 20 years and is starting her 15th year at SLHS. This summer she has served as a cheer consultant for TUTS.
"Our cast of over 80 student performers come from Theatre Under The Stars Humphreys School of Musical Theatre and the Tommy Tune Awards, and are joined by more students throughout the Greater Houston Area,” says Laura Peete, TUTS Director of Education. "TUTS pre-professional programs, like our production of Bring It On, provide young talent the opportunity to engage in training and experiential learning within a professional musical theater environment, working with industry professionals. They are already in the room where it happens, pun intended."
Bring It On is a TUTS musical theater academy summer show made up of Houston area current high school students and recent graduates. 10 cheerleaders from SLHS are in the show. They are part of the Truman and Jackson cheerleading teams.
“This experience is like nothing they have ever done before,” says Weaston. “Musical theater is definitely different than cheerleading, but these students are using their experience of learning routines and performing them in front of people during this production.”
Purchase Tickets Online
Bring It On runs July 8-10. Tickets are $25.99 and can be purchased online.
“This is helping them work with different choreographers and coaches all while having and learning a new style of performance,” explains Weaston.
Bring It On is an iconic cheerleading movie that was turned into a musical with music by Tom Kitt and Lin-Manuel Miranda.
“This experience is one of those events they will talk about for the rest of their life,” says Weaston. “For these Spartans, it truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We are so excited and are humbled and blessed to be a part of this show.”