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Thief Strikes New Katy Retail Center


January 26, 2024

By Natalie Cook Clark


As Katy continues to grow, more businesses are opening to give residents plenty of options when shopping and dining. Starting a business isn’t easy and these Katy businesses are experiencing more hardships including a multiple business break-in this week.

Photos courtesy of Alchemy Bake Lab


Two businesses in the CO-OP at Elyson (6845 Peek Road) were broken into in the early hours of Wednesday, January 24, 2024. This isn’t the first time a business in the center has been broken into and deputies with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office warned owners that it most likely wouldn’t be the last.


Glass Doors Smashed, Little Taken

Both Alchemy Bake Lab and V’s Barbershop had their glass doors smashed by the thief that security cameras caught. Harris County Sheriff’s Office is running the investigation and ask anyone with knowledge of the crime to contact them at 713-221-6000.


Video of Suspect's Vehicle Leaving Center

Video from Scholars and Scoundrels security camera


We are okay, just shaken up. It’s so sad that humans do this horrible stuff to one another. It’s already such a huge challenge to have a brick and mortar and then this happens,” says Kady Miller, owner of Alchemy Bake Lab. “It’s extremely violating.”


Alchemy Bake Lab got lucky this time as they didn’t have anything stolen. However, they were warned by authorities that the thief could come back. Miller says that she is taking measures to add to her business’s security. Still she had to replace the glass and close the bakery for a day.


V’s Barbershop wasn’t so lucky. Minimal cash was taken but the owner says there's so much more to this crime than some cash.

 About More than What was Taken

"It's not just what's taken but it's the glass, the door, and the vinyl with our logo that all have to replaced," explains Justin Burnett, owner of V's Barbershop. "It's disheartening. I've got three barbershops and I just didn't expect this to happen in this neighborhood."

Burnett says that the community has been incredibly supportive and welcoming from the moment they announced their opening. They have great clients and love the area.


This isn’t the first time that this center has been hit by crime. Last month, the not even opened Subway had over $25,000 worth of brand new equipment stolen.


Adding Increased Security Measures

According to Miller and Burnett, all of the businesses are very nervous and have asked the landlord to add security. They are all taking additional precautions.

V's Barbershop is moving to a more cashless business. Burnett says that while they had a security system and cameras before, they are now adding more camera angles and additional glass break censors.


“It’s been a really big struggle for all the Elyson businesses in that strip from day one,” says Miller. “We had lots of delays, poor signage, and we aren’t allowed to post in community Facebook pages unless we live there. So, there’s no way for us to advertise without spending a ton of money on ads, which some of us can’t afford.”

A Strong Community

All the businesses in the CO-OP at Elyson are new, less than a year old. Alchemy Bake Lab has been in business for 5 years, but they only opened their first brick and mortar location last April.

One positive that has come from these crimes is how the strong community of businesses have rallied together in support.

"Everyone in the center is coming together," says Burnett. "Other owners were quick to support us by offering different camera footage to the police. We are all very supportive of each other."


Miller wished thieves would think before they acted. “I would say that they should really think twice because it’s never worth getting caught,” says Miller. “And small business owners are the little guys and the fabric of our community and need all the support we can get.”

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