October 18, 2017
Posted by Katrina Katsarelis
Free, fun event for the whole family at Fire Stations 3, 4, and 5 in Katy

The community is invited to stop by one or all of the participating stations where there will be different, fun attractions throughout the day.
These fire Stations will be open to the public on Sun., October 22 from 12 to 4 PM
Fire Station 3 at 1773 Westgreen Blvd MAP
Fire Station 4 at 22855 Franz Road MAP
Fire Station 5 at 21201 Morton Road MAP
Meet Cinder the fire dog
All three locations will have Cinder the Fire Dog and his trainer Tom Petty from the Harris County Fire Marshal Office perform a fire safety show that last between 20-30 minutes. (Westgreen Station #3 at 12:30, Franz Station #4 at 1:30, and Morton Station #5 at 2:30)
See trucks, ambulances, and command vehicles
Each station will have all the trucks, ambulances, and command vehicles shined up and ready for vehicle tours and demonstrations.
Light refreshments
There will be light refreshments and plenty of educational activities that will be fun for adults and kids alike.
Spray houses fun
One of the all-time favorite attractions at all three stations will be their Spray Houses where kids will be able to show their skills in knocking down four “fires” with a real fire hose. Click the video below.
“Stop the Bleed Hemorrhage Control” class at Fire Station #5 (Morton)
With the current events around us from recent hurricanes to the horrific shooting event in Las Vegas, Harris County Emergency Services District No. 48 Fire-EMS (HCESD 48) wants to offer education, and the opportunity to help. They will be hosting a free class to anyone interested in learning this life-saving information. This class is free to the public, and in addition, we will be offering the same kits and equipment we carry for the same price we purchase them for if attendees want a kit to take home. Classes are at 21201 Morton Road (Station #5) at 11 AM and 2 PM. Please RSVP for the class by emailing CPRTraining@hcesd48.org

For detailed information, click here.