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Katy ISD Registration Open for “My Childhood Addiction Parenting in a Digital Age”


February 2, 2019

The Katy ISD Legacy Parent Academy is a series of informational sessions specifically designed to assist parents by providing valuable information that relates to topics that go beyond the academic experience.


Parenting in a Digital Age

The digital world offers many benefits and opportunities for our students. Nevertheless, there are risks that parents may not be aware of.

As part of the next Legacy Parent Academy education session entitled “My Childhood Addiction – Parenting in a Digital Age” participants will learn safe internet usage, discuss the impact that pornography has on a developing brain, how easily children can become addicted and what parents can do, among other topics.

Discussion Topics

My Childhood Addiction is a discussion on how to teach children safe internet usage. Topics will include identifying pornography and how to reject it as well as safe and appropriate use of social media.

Participants will learn the science behind pornography's impact on a developing brain, how easily children can become addicted, and what parents can do to stop this.

Due to the nature of this session it is not appropriate for minors to attend. Registration is required via the Legacy Parent Academy website.

Time, Date and Location

Wednesday, February 6, 2019 6:00 - 7:30 PM Legacy Stadium - Field House Meeting Room ABC: 5175 Franz Road, Katy, TX 77493

Limited to 400 attendees at Legacy Stadium.

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