February 5, 2019
by Ariana Pezeshki
From home driveways to popular business establishments, Katy is experiencing a record number of car break-ins in 2019.
A growing number of Katy residents are reporting car break-ins at their homes or while visiting locals retailers, restaurants, and businesses. According to Major Chad Norvell of the Fort Bend County Sheriff's office, the agency has responded to 219 car break-ins since January 1, 2019, with the majority being north of the Westpark Tollway in the Katy area.
Shopping destinations like LaCenterra are being targeted by thieves as well as upscale neighborhoods like Cinco Ranch, Falcon Landing area, Hickory Creek, Seven Meadows, and many more. Norvell's numbers do not include the break-ins in Harris or Waller Counties.
Looking for Weapons
"While unlocked doors have always made it easy for thieves, Norvell says thieves are now breaking windows more frequently. "Windows are broken and consoles rummaged through, presumably with the hope of finding guns as many leave their weapons in their cars.
Green Trails Driveway Break-ins Kevin Calogne, a Harris County resident in Green Trails had both his cars ravaged through by a thief at 2:24 am Monday morning. Calogne watched the surveillance video of an individual in a gray hoodie get into both of his cars and rummage through the contents of the center consoles and glove compartments. Fortunately, no valuables were left in the car. The only item that was taken was a power bank phone charger. Here is the video of Monday's break-in.
Reported to Police
Calongne reported the incident to Harris County Sheriff's Office but says this is not the first time he has been a victim. "We’ve had our cars broken into four times in the 20 years we’ve lived here. Only once was my car door locked," says Calongne. "That was the most expensive one, as I had to pay to replace a window. I don’t leave anything valuable in my car, so they never get much of anything." He describes the suspect as wearing a gray hoodie, long pants and tennis shoes.
Norvell recommends reporting car-break-ins or suspicious activity to their non-emergency line. "Let a Deputy check it out. Better safe than sorry."
Nottingham Country Break-in On Sunday, another Katy resident in Harris County posted to a neighborhood app that his car was also broken into on Dominion Drive in the Nottingham Country Area of Katy. His window was shattered with no valuables visible from the outside view. This incident was also reported to the police.

Courtesy of Facebook
CVS Westheimer/Cinco Ranch Break-in
A Katy resident posted to Facebook of another break in around 6 pm Monday night in the Cinco Ranch CVS Parking lot located on Westheimer Parkway in Fort Bend County. A gym bag was left visible to the outside and the Katy resident's window was shattered.
If you have any information on these or other Katy Break-ins contact the sheriff's office in the corresponding county.