October 6, 2019
By Jennifer Miko
Iola Powell had one wish for her birthday this year – to have Biscuits and Gravy at Snappy’s. Anyone turning 100 years old deserves to have their wish granted. And she did.

Friday morning, Snappy’s on Highway 90, was bustling with the breakfast rush. Patrons filled the counter seats and tables of the iconic Katy restaurant. In the center of the dining room, Iola Powell sat with her daughter Karen Baurichter, Katy, and Jamisyn Endresen and Lisa Hill from the Carriage Inn, senior residence, in Katy. The ladies were helping Miss Iola fulfill her birthday wish.
Special Attention
Miss Iola was surprised by a visit from Katy Mayor Bill Hastings. He stopped into the restaurant to wish her a happy birthday. She was flattered, and the two spoke for a while.
Katy City Councilman and mayor pro tem Chris Harris and Snappy’s owner Bobby Katsabas fussed over her too. Miss Iola’s day turned from good to great, though, when the server brought her birthday biscuits and gravy, putting a big smile on her face.
The servers also presented Miss Iola with a slice of apple pie decorated with two lollipops instead of candles. They sang to her and the restaurant cheered. Other diners came by to shake Miss Iola’s hand and wish her a happy birthday.

Miss Iola was born and raised in Arkansas. After graduating from high school, she worked for a doctor’s office before marrying and starting a family, having two daughters - Karen and Susan. She moved to Texas in 2004.
Miss Iola recalled a story about when she first moved to Texas. Someone at the Carriage Inn asked what she wanted to do, and she told them she loved to go fishing - not off a boat, but from the shore. She went to the store, got her night crawlers and that day Miss Iola hooked a 10-pound catfish that she admits she needed help reeling in.
“I haven’t been fishing in a while, but my favorite fishing ponds in Texas are on Herman Meyer’s ranch,” Miss Iola admits. “Whenever the weather cools off, I’m ready to go again.”

“I love my Carriage Inn family. I have been here almost 15 years and call this my home,” she says.
Miss Iola keeps busy and loves to play BINGO. Her favorite TV shows are “Wheel of Fortune” and “Cops.”
“I love going to the 99 Cents Store. I also like to visit my daughter so I can play with my granddog Lucy,” Miss Iola says.
More Members of the 100 Club
Several Carriage Inn residents have also reached the century mark: Rosalee Hankey born 6/16/1919, Hazel Watson born 5/29/1919, and Lorene Jones born 9/2/1919. This Wednesday, Claire Jo celebrates her 101st birthday.
Miss Iola will remember this day filled with surprises and a favorite meal.
“This has been a wonderful birthday,” remarked Miss Iola with a twinkle in her eyes.