November 5, 2019
By Jennifer Miko
Keep Katy Beautiful invites the community to “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rebuy.” This Saturday, residents can do their part by supporting the City of Katy’s Bi-Annual Garage Sale and the America’s Recycle Day event at Katy’s First Baptist Church.

City of Katy Bi-Annual Garage Sale
Keep Katy Beautiful (KKB) organizes this city-wide garage sale twice a year. This Saturday, November 9, residents will open their garages and prepare their yards with goods priced to sell - from books to power tools and clothes to bikes. The official time of the event is 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, however participants can determine their own hours.
Sign Up for the Garage Sale Directory
The registration deadline for the garage sale is Wednesday, November 6 at 5:00 pm. Each registrant’s address will be published on a public list that will be available on the City of Katy's website and shared via social media. The complete list will be available for pick up at City Hall, 901 Avenue C in Katy, on Friday, November 8 until 5:00pm.
The garage sale directory can also be viewed on the City of Katy website and Facebook page.
America Recycles Day
On Saturday, November 9 from 9:00 am – 12:00pm, KKB hosts the America’s Recycle Day Event at Katy’s First Baptist Church at 600 Pin Oak Road in Katy. They will be shredding papers and collecting electronics for recycling.
The KKB also encourages residents to donate books, blankets, coats and eyeglasses. These donations will be taken to local charities such as the Katy Library and Katy Christian Ministries to be reused.
To volunteer at the recycling day event, visit the KKB website.
Nation-wide Recycling Event
America Recycles Day, a Keep America Beautiful national initiative, is the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. Each year, on and in the weeks leading into November 15, thousands of communities across the country participate by promoting environmental citizenship and taking action to increase and improve recycling in America.
Keeping Katy Beautiful
Since 1993, the KKB Board has worked to promote a clean, litter free community and educate citizens about recycling, landscaping, tree planting and maintenance, as well as waste reduction. KKB partners with many student and civic organizations to encourage the mission and goals of these grassroots efforts.
KKB has overseen many local beautification projects including the bronze geese entrance features, Harvest Plaza, the landscaping surrounding our Depot and Caboose, old-fashioned streetlights throughout the city and The Katy City Park Arboretum.