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Katy Church to Host Infertility, Pregnancy Loss, Child Loss Support Event


May 3, 2021

By Natalie Cook Clark

A Katy church is launching a new ministry to support women experiencing infertility, pregnancy loss, and child loss. Now Katy woman can meet to share their stories and comfort each other and bring light to an otherwise dark and isolating subject.

Katy Woman Invited to Gather, Share Stories of Loss, Strength

Katy woman, who have ever experienced infertility, pregnancy loss, or child loss, are invited to “Made Known,” a new ministry at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church this Saturday, May 8, from 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. at their West Campus location (4700 1463.)

A Call to Support Through Life's Journey

Too often these topics are left undiscussed because of the grief and pain they involve, but Jesus calls us to be a church to support and love all people through the journey of life, even the heartbreaking paths our journey takes,” says Rev. Whitney Peper, who will lead the ministry.

Katy Moms Share their Heartbreak and Blessings

“Infertility and loss creates a darkness over you,” says Katy mom Tricia Embley. “For a long time, it was unspoken so women feel like we carry this burden over ourselves.”

The Embleys experienced multiple miscarriages, a stillborn, and a high-risk hospitalized pregnancy that resulted in a preemie. They are blessed with their miracle daughter.

“When I lost my baby at 20 weeks, I thought I would never, could never breathe again,” says Tamara Heredia, who lost her daughter when pregnant with triplets. She later went on to deliver her twins. “I know I am blessed with her two surviving siblings but even after almost two years I miss her every day,” she says

Heredia and her husband, Patrick always find a way to incorporate their angel, Robyn into their surviving children's lives.

Audrey and Marcel Heredia with their Angel Robyn. Photo credit: Mornings With Em.

Heredia feels that a groups such as this is important to the community and women who continue to cope with their loss(es,) as it is never "over."

“My honesty and willingness to share and listen are so important,” says Heredia. “Infant loss is real at any point in a pregnancy.”

For Peper this topic is also personal.

“I went through the infertility journey for years and it wasn’t until we adopted our son that I realized there was a whole community of woman walking this path,” says Peper. “I didn’t have to be alone. No one does.”

“There is a place for women to gather in the church,” says Peper. “You don’t have to be Methodist or Christian. Just a woman who is going through this struggle whether it’s a recent struggle or in the past.”

Saturday's Event

Saturday’s event will include small groups and an opportunity to share testimony, but no one is obligated to share if they do not want to.

Mother’s will light candles with their child’s name on it as a way to honor them at the event.

This weekend is the launch, the Made Known ministry will meet once a month starting the end of August. Dates and further details to be decided.

Advance registration is strongly advised but not required. Registration is free and open online. For questions please contact Rev. Whitney Peper. Masks are required.

“We should honor our babies who didn’t make it and for all families who are currently experiencing it,” says Embley. “No one should ever feel alone in this journey.”

“Gathering with other women will be a magical moment,” says Heredia. “It’s a club we never wanted to be invited to or be part of but here we are. In solidarity and in our faith.”


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