July 26, 2019
By Jennifer Miko
Morton Ranch High School (MRHS) Principal Julie Hinson was recognized as the Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers Association of Texas (FCSTAT) Outstanding Principal of the Year. She received her award last night at the association’s 56th annual awards program in Dallas.

MRHS Principal Julie Hinson has spent more than two decades working in education. Last night she was honored by the FCSTAT as Outstanding Principal of the Year.
The FCSTAT represents over 3,000 professional family and consumer sciences educators, secondary, post-secondary educators and administrators among others. Hinson was identified as an individual who has made consistent and outstanding contributions in support of Family and Consumer Sciences education.
“This award really symbolizes the successes of our Mavericks due to the commitment from my teachers,” said MRHS Principal Julie Hinson.
In 1996, Hinson graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and a minor in Mathematics from Texas A&M University. The following year, she earned her Master’s degree in Education Administration there.
Hinson has worked in Katy ISD for 17 years. She opened MRHS as the first head swim coach and math teacher, and has been at MRHS for 12 of the 15 years the school has been open.
In March, Hinson was also selected as one of Katy ISD’s Principals of the Year as well as an honoree for the Region IV Principal Recognition.
“I am successful as a leader because my staff is willing to continue this journey by my side and not behind me,” said Hinson.