MiDiCi Pizza, located at 21784 Katy Fwy., was broken into during the early hours on January 28.

KATY MAGAZINE NEWS January 28, 2018 Ashley Lancaster
Chantel and Brandon Gawthorp, owners of MiDiCi The Neapolitan Pizza Company in Katy, Texas, posted a message on their personal Facebook page around 11 a.m., asking friends and family to come forward with information about a break-in that took place in the early hours of Sunday morning.
"Hi Katy friends-Please share and help us find these three guys that broke into our restaurant MidiCi early AM today. If you have any information leading to the identity of these guys Please email me at speedywings@sbcglobal.net"
Caught on tape The robbers can be seen on tape inside the building near the point-of-sale system and cash register, and later leaving MiDiCi in a dark colored sedan.

According to Mr. Gawthorp, after reviewing the surveillance video, the perpetrators appeared young, high school age, and were nervous and panicked. "They busted the front window, and broke the register and trashed the place some looking for money but the shopping center lights came on and they freaked out and ran out so thankfully didn’t do as much damage as they could have," he says.
The robbers panicked and ran
Nothing appears to have been stolen, although there was damage to the interior and exterior of the restaurant. "They were so scared, I just want someone to recognize them so they learn a lesson before they destroy their lives," he says.
The case is an open investigation with the Harris County Sheriff's Department, being handled by Deputy Levi Baldon. If you have any information, call 713-221-6000.