August 8, 2024
By Natalie Cook Clark
Technology will take center stage this academic year as all Katy ISD students grades 3-12 will receive a Chromebook to help students reach their potential in a uniformed way. Here's everything Katy families should know about this year's technology.

Photo credits: Katy ISD
Technology to Help Students Reach Full Potential
New this school year, Katy ISD will launch its CLASS 1:1 Student to Device Implementation, equipping each student in grades 3-12 with a Chromebook for school and home use.
“We are excited about equipping every third through 12th grade student with their own device through the CLASS 1:1 program,” says Dr. Sanée Bell, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning in Katy ISD. “This means consistent access to learning tools and resources, maximizing valuable classroom time. The CLASS 1:1 initiative will enhance teaching and personalized learning experiences, empowering students to reach their full potential.”
Each campus will have its own distribution plan for Chromebooks and families are encouraged to contact their student’s school directly with questions.
Insurance is Available for Student Chromebooks Families may also purchase insurance for their student’s device through PowerSchool. The cost is $20 per student device per school year and covers the cost of two repairs or one replacement device. Lost chargers and broken Chromebook cases are not covered by insurance.
Families may contact the District’s Family Technology Resources and Support line for help with their device or other technology needs. Visit the CLASS 1:1 webpage for more information and video tutorials on how to use the device.
With the addition to new technology, comes with the limitations of personal devices.
Students will no longer be allowed to use cell phones and smart watches.
Katy ISD On-The-Go
Katy ISD has complied everything into one simple access. Families should also download the free "Katy OnTheGo" app. This is a go-to source for district and school updates, parent resources, and more. To download it, search Simply "Katy ISD" in your device’s app store.

Parent Webinar Information
The District is offering "Technology Parent Webinars" on the following dates to help families get familiar with the technology used to ensure your student's success. All sessions will be on Zoom. Click on the time for the meeting link.
August 9, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
August 12, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
If you can't make any of these sessions, you can still learn from helpful videos here.
Programs to Know
Home Access Center (HAC): This will be your main form of communication is accessing student schedules, grades, report cards, and more.
CANVAS: This is the parent and student guide to their year inside and outside of the classroom. This is important to understand and learn well to prepare for a successful year.
Student District Emails: Each Katy student has access to their own District email. This is how they will handle school related communication. Parents and students can access this through My Katy Cloud. If you have trouble logging in, contact your home campus.
Tech Support: Having trouble? Katy ISD offers Technology Support to assist families as we begin a new school year. Find support online.
SMART Tag App Helps Families Better Track Bus Riders
Another new technology feature that will help Katy families is the ability to track bus riders. Last year, Katy ISD debuted the SMART Tag web-based Parent Portal, but this year the District is taking the program to an even more efficient level.
This school year, the SMART Tag web-based Parent Portal will be replaced by the SMART Tag app, which will send push notifications to registered mobile devices and tablets, providing parents with instant updates about delays, route alterations, or emergencies.
The SMART Tag app will provide families with real-time information compared to the web portal because the information will come directly from the app instead of through parents’ mobile carrier,” says Roy Kloeber, Associate Director for Transportation in Katy ISD.
Every Katy ISD bus is equipped with a tablet that reads the ID cards of student riders when they board and exit a bus. The system also helps drivers to verify the identity and bus route of each rider.
Parents who already have a SMART Tag account will be able to use the same log-in information on the app.
Parents may download the app via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
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