March 3, 2023
By Natalie Cook Clark
A Katy mom wants families to be aware after her 8-year-old was solicited at his neighborhood bus stop after school this week. It’s not the first alleged abduction attempt recently and should inspire important family discussions.

“I was a few minutes late to meet my kids at the bus stop,” says Katy mom Ade Dibohun. The mother of three lives in Elyson community off of FM 529 and near 99.
Student Approached at Bus Stop
On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 an unknown man driving a white van stopped at the bus stop at Timber Grove Park (Verbana Meadow drive and Golden Groundsel) and asked the McElwain Elementary 2nd grader if he wanted a ride home. When the boy refused, the man asked him if he was sure he didn’t want a ride again before he drove off.
The Dibohun family has always had conversations with their two sons and daughter about the importance of never talking to or going off with strangers.
“We are glad that our advice was helpful that day,” says Dibohun.
Dibohun immediately notified authorities when her children returned home shaken by the encounter. Both Katy ISD and Harris County Sheriff’s Office are investigating the incident.
Dibohun also alerted families of the incident on the neighborhood social media page where community members checked home security cameras. Through online discussion it was discovered that a student in Cyfair ISD also had a similar encounter a few days before.
A month ago, another Katy student was followed after school as he rode his bike. That students’ quick actions as well as the 2nd graders refusal to go with the man, are thanks to family discussions on how to stay safe.
Talk to Your Kids
Katy ISD sent out a letter to the staff and families at McElwain Elementary alerting them of the incident and urging families to talk about safety precautions. The letter points out 4 areas to focus on.
being aware of their surroundings
not speaking to strangers
staying free from distractions such as cell phones or earbuds, and
utilizing a buddy system with another student when possible
Alert Authorities of Suspicious Activity through App
Katy ISD also encourages Katy students, families, staff, and community members to use the District mobile app, SpeakUP, to anonymously report tips. The app can be used for threats off school property if they involve Katy students such as this incident at the bus stop.
The District increased police presence around the area out of an abundance of caution. As of the time of publication, neither Katy ISD nor Harris County Sheriff’s Office have any updates on this investigation.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to please contact the Katy ISD Police Department at 281-237-4000.
This week’s incident has led to more discussion in the Dibohun home.
“We’ve told them to run and shout for help if it ever happens again,” says Dibohun. “We will try our best to make sure they are never in this situation again.”
Concerned community members took to social media to also offer the advice of taking down the license plate and taking pictures of suspicious people.
The vehicle in question did not pick up any kids from the bus stop before it drove off. The bus stop services the growing Elyson community on the north side of FM 529.
“Please be careful out there,” says Dibohun.