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On the cover: A few our favorite Katy family photos!
March 2020
(Stories added all month long)


Katy Magazine’s Guide to Area Restaurants Open for Pickup and Delivery
Many essential Katy businesses are still open and ready to serve the community – some with limited hours, and online ordering. In this guide

Quarantine Affects Critical Katy Christian Ministries Donations and Services
Katy Christian Ministries provides critical services to members of the community. However, the coronavirus pandemic has forced the non-profi

Katy Kids Pet Photo Contest Results! See Winners and Honorable Mentions
This week, we teamed up with Art Museum TX for our first KATY KIDS PET PHOTO CONTEST! We received over 100 submissions and here are the resu

Harris County Judge Prioritizes Human Lives with 'Stay Home Work Safe' Order
In an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus, Harris County Judge Lina Hildago issued a “Stay Home Work Safe Order” for unincorporated

Katy Childcare Placement Service Responds to Emergency Needs
As Katy students begin online classes, parents will inevitably share their instructional challenges. To support local families, College Nann

Winners Announced for Katy Kids Critter Art Contest
Katy Magazine partnered with Art Museum TX for the Katy Kids Critter Art Contest! Over 150 local students drew, colored and painted amazingl

7 Delivery Services Connect Katy Families with Meals and More
Although restaurants have altered their services and grocery stores have reduced their hours, residents can still support Katy establishment

Local Grocery Stores Adjust Hours to Restock Empty Shelves
Major chain grocery stores announced new operating hours to restock empty shelves as Katy residents join the nation by preparing to stay hom

Katy's Top 10 Preschools
Katy’s part-time and full-time preschool programs provide the town’s youngest residents an academic head start. Katy Magazine teamed up with

9 Adventurous Katy Locations for Families to Enjoy
Calling all risk-takers and the brave at heart! Katy's got rock walls and ropes ready to climb, rooms to escape, paintballs to dodge, and wa

Katy Author Signs Newest Novel at Katy Budget Books
Katy-based author Sara Harris will sign her latest Amish romance, “Rebekah’s Quilt,” from 6:30 - 8 p.m. March 13 at Katy Budget Books on Sou

Katy ISD Students Impress with Houston Rodeo Grand Prix Art Placements
Katy ISD earned the most placements in the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (HLSR) Grand Prix Art Judging this year. 12 talented Katy artist

Katy Lacrosse Teams Get Field of Dreams
A new, permanent lacrosse field has been established in the Cross Creek Ranch neighborhood providing Katy-area kids the opportunity to play

Keep Katy Beautiful Earns National Recognition
Keep Katy Beautiful received the 2019 President’s Circle Award at the Keep America Beautiful 2020 National Conference, which recently took p

Local Women’s Group Seeks Members 'Who Give a Damn'
Meet the Katy/Fulshear 100 Women Who Give a Damn tonight at 7p.m. at the Spotlight Acting Academy's Theatre in Villagio Town Center on Westh
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