June 20, 2019
By Natalie Cook Clark

Katy ISD is accepting applications for the new Bus Driving Parents program to help with the district's bus driver shortage. These drivers will transport students on field trips to expand their learning experiences. The district is hiring multiple transportation specialist positions as well.
Katy ISD Offers Solution to Driver Shortage
Katy ISD continues to suffer from a shortage of bus drivers. As a possible solution, the district launched the Bus Driving Parents (BDP) initiative this week. Parents, grandparents, and guardians of current Katy students can apply. Drivers must have a clean driving record and pass district background checks.
Choose When You Drive
“Whether you’re saving for your child’s college fund, looking to supplement your income, or just want to play a crucial part in our Katy ISD community, this is your opportunity,” said Executive Director of the Katy ISD Transportation Department Dr. Bill Wood. “Best of all you choose when you work,” added Wood.
Expanding Learning Experiences
BDPs will be vetted and trained through Katy ISD and compensated for the time they drive at $16.83/hour. Once they’ve earned their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), completed training and earned driving hours, BDPs will also be approved to drive students on field trips. The district warns that training can take time, but the program will help provide an incredible service to the district and expand learning experiences for students.
Those accepted into the program and have completed training, will be considered Katy ISD employees and substitute bus drivers. They can drive as many or as little field trips as they want. For a list of BDP benefits visit their Katy ISD Transportation website.
Other Transportation Positions
Katy ISD is also looking to hire Transportation Specialists in the following positions: bus driver (C-5) attendant for special needs buses, day care worker, and shop/senior mechanic inventory technician.
To apply, visit the Katy ISD Transportation website.