December 22, 2020
By Natalie Cook Clark
Have you seen Katy’s very own “Elf on the Shelf”? A local real estate agent has been spotted around town dressed as an elf. He visits popular locations to spread holiday cheer.

Todd Mann tours around the Katy area as an "Elf," spreading holiday cheer. Photo credits: The Manns
For Cheers and Laughs
“The reason for wearing the ‘elf suit’ out, is simply to bring cheer and laughs for the holidays,” says Todd Mann.
Six years ago, Todd got some Christmas pajamas from his mother-in-law. The idea of touring Katy as an Elf was born.
Evolved from Family Joke

“I told him he looked like the ‘Elf on the Shelf’ and it seemed to evolve from there,” says his wife, Kristen Mann.
“What started as a joke at home one night has become a tradition,” says Todd.
Todd’s Elf presence is always popular with children around town.
“Kids get super excited when they see him out and about,” says Kristen. “They usually call him Santa’s Elf or Santa’s helper. We are typically pretty quick at taking the pics so they don’t usually have time to run up to him but they definitely stare from a distance.”
“Each year we try to do a little more to make people laugh and spread cheer,” says Todd. “Not surprising, it’s also met with looks of confusion.”
Kristen and Todd have lived in Katy for 15 years. They have three daughters: Kindsay, 13, and 9-year-old twins Sophia and Olivia.
“Todd loves to bring a smile to someone’s face,” says Kristen. “This has been a really fun project over the years.”
Todd and Kristen go to different landmarks and local places to take the pictures. They post to Facebook daily during the holiday season using #toddelfontheshelf.
“Friends will check our page daily to see where he was,” says Kristen. “We try to put him in funny places and friends love it.”
“Each year we try to do a little more to make people laugh and spread cheer,” says Todd. “Not surprising, it’s also met with looks of confusion.”
Keeping the Tradition Growing Through COVID
This has no doubt been a different year with COVID-19 protocols interfering with many holiday traditions. The Manns have enjoyed keeping this fun, Katy tradition going.

“This was a way we could spread holiday joy virtually as well as help support local establishments,” says Kristen.
“It’s fun to make people laugh, and bring a little cheer each year, as the tradition grows,” says Todd.
Have you seen Todd, Katy’s Elf?